Well, here’s a better summary of these important, historical Cassie links than the one I sent you last year, but mostly I copied and pasted my previous discoveries. If you have some Cassie references that I don’t—and I’m guessing you do!—please send!
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Cassie history links that still work…and a few that don’t, denoted as such by “***GONE***”:
• Virginia Heffernan’s first article mentioning an LG15 spinoff (tho Cassie isn’t yet mentioned by name): http://themedium.blogs.nytimes.com/2006/09/11/dulce/
• Virginia Heffernan’s second article…does mention Cassieiswatching: http://themedium.blogs.nytimes.com/2006/09/12/lonely-girl-and-friends-just-wanted-movie-deal/
• A thread from Allissa Brooke’s Children of Anchor Cove blog, in which Virginia Heffernan mentions (on 9/6/06) receiving email from Cassie; last entries - 9/12/06: http://alissabrooke.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=userrecentposts&user=virginia
• Thread from Anchor Cove starting 9/13/06 (the day after Cassie’s first video appeared on YouTube) and running through 9/17/06 ***GONE***: http://archive.anchorcove.net/index.cgi@board=bin&action=print&thread=1158154801.html
• Here’s a link for what I described as an “incomplete Cassie Timeline (with many dead links)”:
…but thankfully it was rescued and put on myfreeforum (covering Cassie events from 8/29/06—9/17/06) here ***GONE***:
• the OLD CASSIE FORUMS (or most of it?), starting with 9/19/06 and going through 10/8/12, now found under board > This is You Story Now (LG15 UGC and fan-fiction) > The FanFic Lobby > FanFic Archive > New message from Cassie You Tube ***GONE***: http://old.lg15.com/lonelygirl15/forum/viewtopic.php?f=115&t=773
• Cassie forums on myfreeforums.org (http://cassieiswatching.myfreeforum.org/index.php ***GONE***); of particular interest (under The Spin-Offs) would be:
• the Cassie threads:
http://cassieiswatching.myfreeforum.org/forum2.php (start at the bottom thread and work up. There aren't really very many comments in these, so it's not as time-consuming as it might appear)
• the Frank threads ***GONE***:
•Wish I knew who posted this ***GONE***on 12/9/07, and which female cassie was showing her around Second Life! She sounds like she would have been a devoted Cassie fan!
I ended up going through these and making summaries. It seems that it was mostly the people on LG15.com who were the main Cassie sleuths and actually solved things (were some of them cassie’s sockpuppets?); the Anchor Cove and Unfiction people, not so much. But they went off on some interesting tangents!
Bible Page thread from 9/17/06—9/19/06
Voicemail thread from 9/17/06—9/25/06 (then a fake Cassie posted on 12/20/06)
What is or is not Cassie. AKA Be Wary The only long Cassie thread I’ve found on unfiction.com, running from 9/18/06—9/25/06, discussing the potential dangers of Cassie-hunting, the "Manson controversy" started by the discovery of two Manson crime scene photos in CiW’s second video; Anchor Cove's "hysterical reaction," and other reasons why the LG15 team is distancing itself from CiW…or is CiW really the Creators after all? Cu Roi joins in with his opinions, and suggests on Sept 18 that no one go to the Bridge to Nowhere or give Frank any more attention, “simply to err on the side of caution.”
Morse Code and More thread from 9/25/06—9/27/06, Cassie’s first anagram & profile page updates are pondered; of course they get solved over on LG15.com!
Profile Changes (September 21) thread from 9/21/06—10/1/06, Cassie’s profile updates are following the lyrics of The Beatles' song Helter Skelter.
Revelation 1 thread from 10/1/06—10/2/06, a discussion of the new theory that Cassie’s Revelation 1 video is pointing us to the movie Donnie Darko.
Profile Change (October 1) thread from 10/1/06—10/4/06, discussion of Cassie’s WHO and WHAT poems, the pic at www.tinyurl.com/gjlg7. BTW, those pics can also be found here: http://forums.unfiction.com/forums/viewtopic.php?mode=attach&id=6008
Donnie Darko Connection, 10/3/06—10/5/06, a thread in which everyone has figured out that "Frank" ISN'T Frank the Bunny!
Blog Found: Frank thread, 10/2/06—10/9/06 mention of Frank’s drunken A Voice Within blogging, 2 Manson murder scenes in Cassie’s second video, Cu Roi checking out the East Fork in hopes of meeting Frank, checking Rose Hill Cemetery for a drop, Frank participating in the LG15 chat 10/5/06.
New video from Cassie thread about Cassie’s Revelation 2 video, from 10/8/06—10/14/06.
Frankiswaking/youtube thread from 10/8/06—10/10/06, discussion of (alleged) Frank’s ever-changing profile on YouTube. Youtube Cassie said it was fake. “Therefore, it's out of game.”
New Development from Frank’s blog; tiny thread (3 posts) from 10/10/06—10/12/06, starts with the news that Frank is dead.
New video from Cassie thread from 10/10/06—10/12/06, starting with the fact that the Revelation 3 video leads us to Kane 152, 50, 42 in Second Life. “Didn’t see her today, but yesterday she sat on the grass, and cried a lot.”--Jenna, Oct 12. (I assume that “Jenna” = Second Life’s Genna Gray)
Second Life In-Game Observations thread from 10/12/06*—10/14/06 (only 10 posts, but it includes a pic of people kneeling at the church candle stand)
* - started by Isabelle Santos!
New Code from Cassie in Second Life thread about the long anagram, of course; from 10/13/06—10/18/06.
Hey, I learned that Cassie posted "I see you again" on her YouTube channel on Sept 17, 2006. Do those words sound familiar? haha. And someone (chri360936) paid $14.95 to get a report on the phone number. NAME: CASSIE • ADDRESS: LOS ANGELES, CA 90014 • COUNTY: LOS ANGELES
Also, this person did a “Bridge to Nowhere hike” along the East Fork of the San Gabriel River for the Halloween season, and mentioned that Lonelygirl15 and a “side story” called ‘Cassieiswatching’ had filmed in this area. He mentions that as you hike along the river, “you see many pools of water that look nice for swimming or wading.” The article features several photos taken along the river, including many of and around the Bridge to Nowhere:
The Great Silence: “The Bridge to Nowhere” Hike Part 1 (The Halloween Series)
The Great Silence: “The Bridge to Nowhere” Hike Part 2 (The Halloween Series)
The Great Silence: “The Bridge to Nowhere” Hike Part 3 (The Halloween Series)
• I Was Here: A Look Back at Cassieiswatching One Year Later by Milowent vanished from Anchor Cove, but thankfully was rescued by that modelmotion guy here:
Some comments were left on the above article here: http://old.lg15.com/lonelygirl15/forum/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=13959&hilit=ciw
wtf is this?
• (phony CassieIsWatching Twitter) https://twitter.com/EYESonCASSIE
• “Rod Barnhart - Google+ - I wonder how CassieIsWatching would have turned out if we… .” We quickly figured out that this was Wintermute’s post: https://plus.google.com/109252605525971728002/posts/jJ6dR1f59mr
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